Economic challenges and sustainable solutions for sport and leisure infrastructure The economics of sports and leisure infrastructure management covers many business areas, because sports facilities are complex projects. Economic challenges encompass: (1) sustainable development of sport, leisure and infrastructure, (2) introduction of “social” management", (3) implementation of new “green” low energy technologies, (4) development of innovative programs and services for all people and (5) development of new types of entrepreneurship in sport and leisure business. How do you define public needs, design programs and services, plan and build sport centers? How do you finance sport and leisure infrastructure and programs efficiently? How can digital technologies be integrated into the planning and construction process? In the past several years experts and managers of The International Association of Sport and Leisure Infrastructure Management, included new scientific discoveries and best municipal and business practices in managing infrastructure. Our researche encompassed: - Future trends in development of social and physical culture for more connected and active cities and local communities. Economic challenges in ensuring integral sustainability in providing organizational, human, material and financial resources.
- Social sustainability that includes:
- open spaces, parks and facilities for social gathering, physical recreation, sport for all and street games,
- social sustainable management of sport centres,
- social sustainable management of sport centres,
- active cities guidelines,
- school playgrounds for education, sport practice and community
- funding for sport and culture facilities.
- Digitalization.
- Maximizing investments in sport and leisure infrastructure.
| The International Association of Sport and Leisure Infrastructure Management PROGRAMS - PROJECTS - REPORTS In the past fifteen years we (co)organized 93 international events, conferences, seminars, courses and study tours in 28 countries with more than 4.700 participants, managers, experts, professionals, public officials and students. Join us and send proposals for cooperation!
The broscure is presenting: (1) organization, human and financial resources of IASLIM; (2) the content of research and development projects, (3) the evaluations of investments and management of sport and leisure centers and (4) the overview of the international conferences, professional treining and meetings of sport and leisure infrastructure managers all over the World. 